In this new blog, I will write basic information about Myanmar and important happenings in Economic and political field. I am not an expert in in any means and keeping blog is my way of keeping up the knowledge of the current happenings in Myanmar.
Myanmar (Ex. Burma) has finally "opened" to world and after long economic sanctions, western countries are arriving to country.
Aung San Suu Kyi ("The Lady"), had a landslide victory in the first, almost open, parliamentary elections at the end on 2015 and got almost all parliament seats available in elections, 25% of the seats were reserved to the military without elections. I will write more about The Lady at the later blocks.
Lower house of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Parliament of the Myanmar)
As 25% of the members can veto all changes to constitution of Myanmar, any big changes to law is not likely at the current time.
However NLD has the right to select the president and U Htin Kyaw was selected as the new president of the Myanmar at 2016. The new president is not very well known in the country, or even inside NLD party, but as The Lady has indicated earlier: "Since she cant be selected as the president, she will have a loyal proxy to run the country for her". And as U Htin Kyaw has supported her through the harsh times, he was a natural selection for this position.
Leadership of the parliamanet:
Speaker: Win Myint, NLD, Since 1 February 2016
Deputy Speaker: T Khun Myat, USDP, Since 1 February 2016
Agriculture and Irrigation
Border Affairs
Communications and Information Technology
Electric Power
Environmental Conservation and Forestry
Foreign Affairs
Home Affairs
Hotels and Tourism
Immigration and Population
Information ( Myanmar Radio and Television)
Labour, Employment and Social Security (Social Security Board)
Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development
National Planning and Economic Development
Rail Transportation
Religious Affairs (State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee)
Science and Technology
Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
Transport (Civil Aviation)
This new list of ministries has changed some from the old ones as some ministries has been combined to have more efficient structure in the future.
Currently the shuffle of the ministry leaders is on and the final leaders will be announced soon.
In my next week blog, I will write about The Lady, Aung San Suu Kyi, who is she, her background and how did she end up leading the country.
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